  • We provide comprehensive consulting support to help you achieve PCI DSS certification. Implementing and achieving PCI DSS certification requirements will reduce the risk of breaches, enhance customer confidence, and bolster overall security.
  • Our team of seasoned consultants will guide you through the entire process, offering expert advice at every juncture. Our PCI DSS consulting services combine industry best practices in scoping, network segmentation, risk assessment, implementation, documentation, monitoring and audit of controls leading to a successful PCI DSS certification.
  • Our PCI DSS certification consulting services will significantly enhance your security measures and guarantee a seamless PCI DSS certification.
  • Please call or contact us to get started.

Start Your PCI DSS Journey Now!

Start Your PCI DSS Journey Now!
ISO 27001 Certification Consultant
PCI DSS Consulting Engagement Phases
Here is a brief overview of al the phases involves in implementing PCI DSS certification.

Phase I - Scoping

Scoping involves:

  • Understanding the business and the Cardholder Data Environment (CDE)
  • Mapping Data Flows
  • Network Segmentation Readiness
  • Systems in Scope
  • Applicable and Not applicable list of controls

Phase II - Gap Analysis and Risk Assessment

Based on the outcome of phase I, a combination of approaches is applied by Coral PCI DSS consultants to conduct the gap analysis.

  • Assessing strengths and weaknesses of the applicable requirements
  • System-wise control and configuration checks
  • identify and report system weakness along with detailed recommendations

Phase III - Implementation Support

In this phase, Coral PCI DSS Consultants assist clients in the implementation of the following:

  • Optimization of current configurations such as access, change and patch management requirements
  • Implementation of tools that are identified as gaps
  • Documentation involves sharing and discussing 20+ policies and procedures across domains involving PCI DSS governance starting with asset identification
  • Risks identified in the gap analysis are tracked toward decision-making and closure. Some risks are quick wins, whereas others may take longer to close. - If the gaps are more, this phase can be longer

Phase IV - Internal Audit and Management Review

  • In this phase, Coral PCI DSS Consultants will provide an independent opinion about the successful implementation, with additional recommendations if any.
  • Internal Audit involves verifying the effectiveness of the implemented lifecycle controls through interviews with system verification of applicable controls,
  • A formal report is published for the management team.
  • We facilitate reviews with the management to ensure that the initial PCI DSS control objectives and goals are achieved.


At this stage:

  • As a result of undergoing these phases, Coral has assisted the client in fulfilling all applicable requirements for PCI DSS.
  • Each of the PCI DSS certification requirements has been completed by a combination of one or more configuration, tools, policies, responsibilities, reports, records, technology, and automation.
  • The organization now has a plan that demonstrates its continued commitment like any other business function
  • At this stage, the organization is ready to invite external QSA to certify them to PCI DSS certification

Phase V - PCI DSS QSA Support

The chosen QSA will perform PCI DSS certification in two phases:

  • Stage 1- Interviews
  • Stage 2 – Documentation Review, and
  • Stage 3 - Configuration Reviews

With the above phases completed, the QSA issues the PCI DSS attestation report.

Phase VI - Successful Certification

At this stage you have received successful QSA compliance on PCI DSS.

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